The Ballinasloe Credit Union Social Fund is a resource aimed at providing financial assistance and support to projects within our common bond, focusing on social, cultural, or charitable endeavours. Through this fund, Ballinasloe Credit Union aims to foster a spirit of solidarity and mutual aid, embodying the cooperative principles upon which it was founded. Ballinasloe Credit Union has awarded Ballinasloe Cancer Support Centre €4000 per over a two-year period to continue their work in providing therapies to those who are affected by cancer.

“This is great news for our Centre. We are so thankful to Ballinasloe Credit Union for their generous funding. It opens new possibilities for us “commented the Chairperson Liam Connaire. He continued; “we are a small voluntary run organisation on small budget this is a tremendous boast to us”.


Ballinasloe Cancer Support Centre are currently looking for volunteers and volunteer Directors to join our small team.

Anyone interested can call into the office in Cullen’s Yard, off Main Street, Ballinasloe

Or Ring: 090 9649767

Photo from left to right:

Sean Madden Chairman Ballinasloe Credit Union

Shane Mc Neill Business Development manager BCU 

Phyllis Hogan Administrator Ballinasloe Cancer Support Centre

Liam Connaire Chairperson Ballinasloe Cancer Support Centre